An Accidental Lunar X

When I took this shot of the moon on 9 PM 18 May 2021 from my balcony in Hamilton, Ontario (with a Nikon CoolPix P950 at 2000 mm zoom) I was pretty happy with the detail along the terminator – the zone between sunlight and shadow. Lots of lovely craters, some clear enough to see central peaks. Contrast is important: when I took the photo the sky was still blue to the unaided eye. The moon is so bright that to photograph it for surface detail usually means tricking the camera to under-expose the shot; automatic camera settings are not designed for this kind of thing. I always shoot astronomical subjects with the camera on manual. This photo was taken at ISO 560, 1/150 sec, f 6.5, hand-held with on-camera image stabilization. Normally you should only try hand-held shots with the shutter speed at the reciprocal of focal length (for example, 1/500 of a second if the focal length is 500 mm), but the stabilization in this camera is very good.

A nice photo of the moon. taken with a Nikon Coolpix P950.

What I did’t notice until pointed out by John Gavreau of the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers is that I accidentally captured the famous Lunar X in the photograph.

The Lunar X is visible in the middle of this cropped frame.

The Lunar X is a transient feature caused by oblique sunlight falling on the rims of adjacent craters.

Clear skies!

The 8 April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Experience: Part 2

This is the second blog post about the April 8th 2024 total solar eclipse that was witnessed by hundreds at Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada) in Hamilton, Ontario. I had the privilege of being the interpretive lead for the event, and was able to provide my own telescope for people to view the partial phases of the eclipse in safety. A previous blog post described the preparations for the event.

Monday 8th April started out as an inauspicious looking day. The weather forecast was largely for cloud in the Hamilton area, and everyone was feeling a little pessimistic as to whether we would see anything other than a great big shadow in the afternoon. I arrived at the RBG Arboretum around 11:00 AM to start setting up my telescope and to get a feeling for the space in which the audience would experience the event.

One of the wonderful RBG volunteers taking a turn looking at the partial solar eclipse through the 5″ telescope.

My little 5” Meade Terabeam Maksutov Cassegrain telescope went together very quickly, and I did an approximate north alignment of the German equatorial mount, but on a completely cloudy day that kind of thing is iffy at best. I must admit that as an amateur astronomer I’m not terribly interested or capable of doing alignments. I have never been really able to get a good alignment on my telescope mounts. I have a lovely EQ 6 mount that is currently underutilized, and the smaller, beaten-up black mount (is an EQ4? I don’t know) that I use for the Mak-Cas. I set everything up, and was satisfied that it was going to be a workable telescope for public viewing. Unlike most 5” Meade telescopes, this telescope has a custom 2” optical back, which allows for 2” eyepieces to be fitted, as well as full frame DSLR cameras. For the eclipse I set up a 2 inch eyepiece so that the public could view the eclipse through the telescope when safely fitted out with an aluminized mylar solar filter

Shortly after noon I got a call from our communications specialist Cassandra who wanted to see if I could come to a different part of RBG and do an interview with the CBC. RBG owns and manages a large set of properties, and the prospect of having to drive for 15 minutes from site to site just before the eclipse started did not necessarily appeal. However, I thought I had better do my duty as Director of Science, responsible for science communication. When I reached the gardens in Hendrie Park, I found that the Ontario Science Centre had set up an interpretive table and were working with grade 12 students on interpreting the eclipse for the public. A CBC video crew was also there to transmit their impressions of the eclipse and the Ontario Science Centre efforts. I did two short interviews with the CBC crew about 20 minutes apart, and then popped back into my car and headed back to the Arboretum. While I was on the road to the Arboretum the eclipse had started. I was back at the Arboretum about 10 minutes later. At this point things were still completely cloudy.

I started working with the telescope to see whether I could catch any kind of glimpse of the eclipse, and I was also equipped with eclipse glasses. It was some time before the clouds started to show some blue and break up, but they did. About 10 or 15 minutes before totality we started seeing good views of the sun through light, high cloud. There were even breaks where some parts of the sky were completely clear. The clouds were moving quickly, and it made for a very dramatic atmosphere, would we or would we not see the eclipse in totality?

People started to line up to view the partial eclipse with the telescope, and there were a lot of very positive comments about that experience. A couple of nice sunspots made the view of the sun more interesting than a non decorated solar disk would appear.

The partial solar eclipse digiscoped through the 5″ telescope with an iPhone 12. The green object is an artifcatual internal reflection.

Just before totality, the clouds opened up and while there was high cloud during totality from our point of view we had a pretty good view of totality. It only lasted 87 seconds in the arboretum, a very short experience. But, it was thrilling, and I was able to get a few good photographs using a handheld Nikon camera and a fifth 150 to 500mm telephoto lens without filter out totality.

After totality and the sun burst through again there was just a lot of ooohs and awwws, and some applause, as everyone put their eclipse glasses back on and thought about the experience they had just had. Over the next hour I continued to offer viewing through the telescope, which was convenient but did need to be realigned manually every couple of minutes, as I did not have a motor drive working. While someone inconvenient it did work, and it meant I had to be on hand to make sure that people were looking at the sun safely. I should note that I have a nice 60 mm Coronado Solar Max Hydrogen alpha telescope, but without a mount tracking the sun I’ve found it too complicated to used for a public event like this.

Totality in Hamilton, Ontario!

I took a few more photographs of the sun with a 300 mm telephoto lens with a solar filter on it, and as the sky lightened up people gradually started drifting off. By the time the eclipse was completed the vast majority of people had left for home.

Eclipse-watchers in the RBG Arboretum, chilling beside firepits!

This was an exciting total solar eclipse despite the clouds. The crowd was happy, the views were good even with high cloud at times, and it ranks up with the experience I had in 2017 of a total solar eclipse viewed in Missouri. That was a longer totality, but the environment was quite different. Both were worthwhile. I hope that if anyone has an opportunity to view a total solar eclipse they will make it a priority. While not common, these do not have to be once in a lifetime experiences if you are willing to travel.

Safe viewing!

David’s 2024 Eclipse Photos Featured on LiveScience

LiveScience contributor took in the 8 April 2024 total solar eclipse at the Arboretum at Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada). After the event he requested some of David’s images from the event and wrote up an engaging account of his experience:


The 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, Part 1

Observing the 8 April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse at the Arboretum of Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada) in Hamilton, Ontario.

The total solar eclipse of 8 April 2024 that swept across North America caused an enormous public and media sensation. Millions of people were able to take in this beautiful natural phenomenon.

Here at Pine River Observatory (which is both virtual and portable) I’m going to post a couple of blog entries about my experience with the 2024 eclipse. I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in preparation for and leading the programming of a visitor experience for the eclipse at Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada), in Hamilton, Ontario, where I serve as Director of Science. In this first blog post describe the preparations for the event, which was held in the Arboretum of Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada) on the afternoon of April 8th.

Preparations for the event actually began about three years ago. I had traveled to the United States to witness the 2017 total solar eclipse that was sometimes called the Great American Eclipse. I joined friends south of St. Louis, MO, and experienced my first total solar eclipse. I also had the honour to serve as interpreter and observation guide for the group, which included members of The Explorers Club, St. Louis Chapter.

Members of the St. Louis Chapter of the Explorers Club and my little telescope set-up watching the 2017 total solar eclipse in Missouri.

The 2017 eclipse was a chance to prepare solar observation telescopes and some camera equipment to record the event. That event went pretty well, and I was excited to capture a variety of images. I also demonstrated that my small telescope, a 5 inch Meade Terabeam Maksutov-Cassegrain OTA with a two inch Jim Weggat optical back, performed very well for visual observations and photography when equipped with a mylar solar filter from Kendrick.

One of my telephoto images of totality in 2017.

In 2021 I first started bringing the 2024 eclipse to the attention of the interpretive and planning staff at Royal Botanical Gardens (Canada), with information about the path of totality and its duration. The Arboretum at University of Guelph was just inside the path of totality, with eclipse websites indicating 87 seconds of totality could be expected there. It was not hard to work with online ephemeris sites and get the direction and the elevation expected for the sun and moon at totality. This would be just about southwest, at 45° elevation.

Serious planning for the event at the Arboretum began in mid 2023, when our director of business development and I started to discuss just what was practical and possible on the day. While the astronomical portion of the eclipse was very predictable, the wildcard in all of this was the weather. We were expecting a 60% probability of being clouded out on the day of the eclipse. Historical weather information, however, is proving to be somewhat unreliable in the era of climate change we are now experiencing. The two days before the eclipse the weather turned out to be cloudless and beautiful. Of course, we did not know this in our planning.

Prior to the eclipse itself RBG organized a presentation by eclipse chaser David Makepeace, of Toronto, a videographer who has identified himself as The Eclipse Guy. David has traveled the world many times to take in eclipses, and gave a wonderful presentation on eclipse chasing at RBG two weeks before the event itself.

We also teamed up with two other institutions in preparation for the eclipse. The Ontario Science Centre in Toronto included RBG in some of its own planning, and sent a team to RBG for the day of the eclipse. This was done in part because the Ontario Science Centre was to be outside of the path of totality. The other partner was McMaster University, which made the wonderful donation of several thousand eclipse glasses to RBG for distribution during our programming. In total McMaster University had over 600,000 pairs of eclipse glasses prepared and distributed free in Hamilton to give people a chance to observe the eclipse in safety.

To set up for the eclipse, it was decided that the Arboretum on the North Shore of Cootes Paradise Marsh would be the best place for an RBG eclipse viewing. It’s not that the Arboretum is anything particularly special, but it does present a large grassy area with a good view to the southwest. Our food services department set up a food truck, and our operations and events people set out chairs, tables, and even fire pits across the Arboretum so that visitors could relax and enjoy the event in style.

I decided to set up a couple of cameras and my five inch telescope 5 inch telescope so that people could take a look at the eclipse in its partial phases through the filtered telescope. On 7th of April, the day before the eclipse, I set up all of my equipment in the Arboretum and did a practice run with solar imaging, producing a decent visual light image of the solar disk.

The sun’s disk on the afternoon of 7 April 2024, just 24 hours before the total solar eclipse was to begin. Taken at the RBG Arboretum with the Terabeam telescope and a Nikon D5100 at prime focus.

I disassembled the equipment and packed it back up into my car for the overnight wait, and then arrived at the Arboretum around 11:30 on the morning of 8th April. It took a while to set up the equipment, but I decided to do a very simple thing with my telescope. Critical to any observed observations with a telescope is the telescope mount. In my case I have an old mount of about an EQ3 size (I’m not even certain), and I decided I was going to use it simply as a manually-moved German Equatorial manual mount. I made a rough north alignment, and then set up the optical tube assembly, the mylar solar filter, and eyepiece.

For camera equipment I had a Nikon D 7000 with a 150 to 500mm telephoto lens and yellow plastic solar filter. I used the handheld camera to take pictures of the sun and moon at various times. At totality, I removed the filter so that I could get photographs of the totality event.

And that was about it. I set up my relatively simple telescope, and during the day I was aided by several RBG volunteers, a wonderful group who come out to help at nearly every event. The wait was on to see if we would get an eclipse, because early on the morning of the 8th of April the weather forecast did not look very good. We had solid cloud until at least 1:00 PM, with totality scheduled for about 3:20 PM.

I’m going to pick up the story of the actual eclipse event in our next blog post. I’ll review the programming and experience of eclipse day, observations and the interactions with all of the public who joined us on the event, and share some photographs. We had at least 400 people attend. It’s not giving anything away at this stage to say that we did see a wonderful eclipse, the clouds cooperated in a rather dramatic fashion, and it was my impression everyone was very excited and satisfied that day.

The Great Eclipse of 2017 is Just Around the Corner!

One of the grandest spectacles in astronomy is a total solar eclipse. On 21 August 2017 there’s going to be a stunning event, as the shadow of the moon sweeps over the continental USA from west to east. I’ve recently seen suggestions that this might be the most photographed event in history (to date) when it happens. I’ll be in there too, dear readers, making plans for many months about the chance to photograph this spectacle. The next one that will be visible over the North American continent will take place on 8 April 2014.

eclipse book cover

Alan Dyer’s ebook on the 21 August 2017 eclipse is highly recommended. You can get your own copy here: 

A total solar eclipse is, of course, a transient event in which the moon passes directly in front of the sun from the perspective of some location on earth. Because of the coincidence of the similar relative sizes of the sun and moon as viewed from earth, the moon can just about block out the central disk of the sun. A total eclipse, as the name suggests, brings the sun, moon, and earth into alignment. A partial solar eclipse consists of part of the sun’s disk being blocked.

The 21 August event will be a partial solar eclipse in southern Ontario. For observers in a band a few kilometers across running from the west to the east coast of the USA it will be total.

Preparation for watching an eclipse is a must. Not only should anyone wanting to take this in be prepared from the perspective of observation itself, safety is a crucial concern. Although the disk of the sun is blocked by the moon during these events, the sun is still producing a great deal of UV radiation from the corona, the tenuous outer layers of the sun’s atmosphere. Always wear appropriate eye protection during these events, or observe indirectly, such as with a pinhole camera you make make from a simple cardboard box. For safe eclipse observing ideas, see:

In preparation I’ve been sorting out gear, trying things, and reading up. I highly recommend Alan Dyer’s comprehensive e-book on photography of this specific event. I’m planning on using several cameras to capture different aspects of the eclipse. At least one will be running interval photos that can later be stacked to produce this sort of effect:

Solar Practice 2017

A three hour sequence of solar photographs taken at the home base of the Pine River Observatory, at Lurgan Beach, Ontario on 29 August 2017. A Nikon D7000 digital camera was set up to take photos every 30 seconds, and was equipped with a Mylar solar filter and a wide-angle lens. Every sixth resulting photo was then stacked with StarStaX. The last photo, with the sun in the trees, was taken without the solar filter. It forms a background for the otherwise rather dull individual photos of the sun.

Another camera will be set up with a long telephoto lens and a Mylar solar filter. I am not quite sure yet whether or not I will set up any camera on a telescope mount to track the sun – as this trip requires some travel, lugging such things around is always complicated.

If you are able to take images of the eclipse, consider submitting them to SkyNews Magazine, Canada’s own astronomy magazine. They’re holding a contest for the best solar eclipse photo: 

Safe observing!

Copyright 2017 David Galbraith


Looking Forward – And Up – For 2017!

There are a lot of exciting things happening in 2017. Many are covered in detail on large astronomy web sites like Sea and Sky:

Here are just a few highlights to consider.

11 February 2017 – Lunar Eclipse

Following on from the full moon earlier on the same day, the moon will pass into the edge of the Earth’s shadow for a “penumbral lunar eclipse.” We should be in a great position to see the moon darkening in Ontario.  Here’s a link to a NASA PDF on the event:

1 April 2017 – Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation

The tiny planet Mercury will be visible in the evening sky in early spring; on 1 April it reaches its greatest eastern elongation, and will be visible in the evening sky at sunset.

7 April 2017 – Jupiter at Opposition

On 7 April the Earth will pass directly between Jupiter and the sun. The planet will be very bright in the night sky, rising at sunset. Even a small telescope should reveal the four Galilean moons of our solar system’s largest planet.

15 June 2017 – Saturn at Opposition

In mid-June Saturn and its magnificent rings will be as bright as possible this year. Like Jupiter in April, at opposition the Earth lies directly between Saturn and the sun. Rising at sunset, the planet will appear as a fully-illuminated disk through a modest telescope, nestled within its amazing rings.


Saturn will be worth watching in 2017 on another front. The Cassini mission is drawing to a close. Throughout the year, NASA mission controllers are swinging the wonderful car-sized spacecraft through Saturn’s rings for the first time, willing to take risks at the tail end of the voyage. Launched 20 years ago (1997), Cassini reached Saturn in 2004 and has been performing nearly flawlessly ever since. Later in 2017 the mission will be brought to an end and the spacecraft will be plunged into Saturn itself, a fiery demise to ensure that the environments of Titan and the other moons of Saturn are not contaminated. The feature image on this post is an artist’s rendering of Cassini and its attached Huygens probe undergoing the orbital insertion maneuver over Saturn in 2004 (Public Domain image; source NASA:

21 August 2017 – The Great Eclipse

Perhaps one of the big events in 2017 will be the “Great Eclipse” – a total solar eclipse that will cross the continental United States from west to east coasts. On Monday 21 August 2017 the moon will pass directly between the Earth and the Sun, casting a vast circular shadow and giving millions of people a chance to see a true natural spectacle. Totality will pass through states like Kentucky and Tennessee, but from Ontario we will still see a great partial eclipse in the afternoon. Here’s NASA’s posting for eclipse information:

13 November 2017 – Close Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter

Just before sunrise Venus and Jupiter will be very close to each other in the sky – just 0.3 degrees apart, or less than the diameter of the full moon.

I hope you can get out and enjoy these and other exciting sky events in 2017! As we get closer to each I will post additional information on viewing – and when possible taking pictures of – these events.


A New Year, a New Night-Time Photography Class!

I’m happy to report that Royal Botanical Gardens has asked me to lead another Night-Time Photography class! If we get sufficient response, we’ll start at 7 PM on the evening of Thursday 26 January 2017, at RBG’s Nature Interpretive Centre. The class will run for a total of four sessions, weekly.

The class will be a hands-on opportunity to take photos at night, with an emphasis on capturing beautiful images of the sky. We’ll cover equipment, celestial objects, post-photography processing, and more. This isn’t an astronomy class per se, but we will talk a bit about astronomy. By the end of the course I am hoping everyone will feel confident going out at night with their cameras and experimenting with capturing beautiful images.

We’ll try to end each two hour classroom experience with a quick dash outside to see be seen. Guidance will also be given on photo opportunities taking place between classes.

RBG’s public program calendar is available on-line at:

You can register on-line for any of the RBG programs at:

To find the Night-Time Photography course, just click 26 January 2017 on the calendar on the web site. Registration is limited to 20.

If you are planning to take the course, please contact me ahead of time for more information. It’s recommended that participants bring their digital cameras and tripods to the first class. Digital cameras should be able to be operated completely manually. A wide-angle lens is best for this sort of photography. Tripods should be very sturdy. I can make recommendations if anyone has any questions.



Happy Birthday Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe (14 December 1546 – 24 October 1601) is commemorated in one of my favourite craters on the moon (crater Tycho) and he’s well worth remembering. Tycho made many observations of the positions of the planets and stars in the days just before the invention of telescopes. By observing new stars – we call now them novas – and showing by their position observed over time that they must lay outside of the atmosphere, Tycho proved that they were not atmospheric phenomena. Thus, he proved that the realm of the stars was not immutable.

Perhaps his greatest contribution to astronomy was in fact sharing his observations with his protégé Johannes Kepler, who then used the detailed location information for the planets in the developing of his laws of planetary motion.

He was a complex and colourful character. For more details, take a look at the profile of his life and contributions on Wikipedia:

Try Cell Phone Afocal Photography – Especially for Sidewalk Astronomy

There are a great many different ways to take a photograph of astronomical objects. If you are looking through a telescope at a bright object like the moon, it’s possible to take satisfying photos “on the fly” without even having to attach a camera to anything. It’s called afocal photography. It’s very well suited to public or “sidewalk” astronomy events where nearly everyone visiting will have their own camera of some sort.

Afocal photography is the process of shooting a photo with a camera simply by lining the camera up to the telescope (or microscope, or spotting scope, where this technique is sometimes called digiscoping) eyepiece. It does not require attaching the camera to the eyepiece (although there are ways of attaching the camera that makes things much easier. This post is about just trying it hand-held). There’s a nice introduction to afocal photography on Wikipedia (

I thought a demonstration might be fun, using a very ubiquitous and simple digital camera, that built into an iPhone 3GS. If you want to try this with any camera more advanced than that on an iPhone 3Gs, please make sure that you turn the flash off!

On the evening of Saturday 14 September 2013 the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers (  presented a public astronomy evening in the parking area of a visitor centre in Grimsby, Ontario. I went along with my little Meade 125mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope, an iPhone 3Gs, and also a Nikon D5100 body. I thought it might be nice to compare two photo methods: afocal (putting the iPhone over the telescope eyepiece) and prime focus (replacing the eyepiece with the camera all together) photography of the moon.

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A public observing night put on by the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers on the evening of 14 September 2013 in Grimsby, Ontario. These events are terrific fun and a chance to see many different types of home telescopes in operation.

After setting up my telescope I was happy to have lots of members of the public come by and take a look at the moon through a wide-angle eyepiece. The Meade telescope has a focal length of 1,900 mm. With a wide-angle eyepiece of 28 mm focal length, the combination had a magnification of 67x (magnification, or “power,” in telescopes is calculated by the ration of the focal length of the tube divided by the focal length of the eyepiece).


My Meade Terabeam (TB) 125mm telescope set up for photography of the moon at the Grimsby public astronomy event. This compact little telescope is very versatile.

In between looks through the telescope, I held the iPhone’s camera over the eyepiece as “flat” as possible – in line with the long axis of the eyepiece, pretty much up against the rubber eye cup. Once I could see the bright light of the moon showing up on the iPhone screen, I moved the phone carefully around a few mm at a time until more and more of the moon showed up.

iPhone 1

A first afocal exposure of the moon taken with the camera built into an iPhone 3Gs. At least one crater is visible – a good, if humble, start!

It takes a little time and patience to line up the camera over the eyepiece, but in a few minutes I got the hang of it and started taking photos.


Getting closer! Nearly the whole moon is visible in this afocal shot, one of many taken to ensure a good one is captured.

After about a dozen images recorded, I captured one that I thought was pretty good.


A pretty satisfying image of the moon, one of about a dozen tried. Hand-held afocal photography is very much a trial-and-error process.

Some shops actually carry devices to hold cameras of various kinds (including cellphones) up against telescope or spotting scope eyepieces. These would be really helpful, especially if you wanted to take video or longer exposures. As it was, in this case I used the default camera app on the iPhone, allowing the camera and phone software to control exposure and focus.


The afocal image above, rotated, and flipped left-for-right. I’ve also adjusted the brightness, contrast, and sharpness very slightly. This compares very well to the image of the moon taken with a Nikon D5100 dSLR body at prime focus, below.

After taking a photo I was satisfied with, I put the iPhone away and set up the Nikon dSLR on the telescope, at prime focus. This is the place where the telescope makes its basic image without an eyepiece. With this 1,900 mm telescope image of the waning gibbous moon, about two or three days past first quarter, just barely fit onto the APS-C sized sensor on the Nikon D5100. I had to rotate the camera to get it onto the sensor.

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A photo of the moon taken a few minutes after the afocal iPhone images, by placing a Nikon D5100 dSLR body onto the same telescope at prime focus (replacing the eyepiece with the camera).

The iPhone afocal image compares pretty well with that from the dSLR once both are reduced down to the same size of image. The dSLR image is more detailed than the iPhone photo taken on the 14th, in part because of the much bigger (16 megapixel) sensor on the Nikon, and in part because of the wide-angle eyepiece used. Put side by side, sections of the images at their original resolution give a good idea of difference in resolution.

side by side

The southern part of the moon imaged with iPhone afocal photography (left) and with a Nikon D5100 at prime focus (right). Both images were converted to black and white, and then a strip 400 pixels wide by 800 pixels high was cropped out of each. The two images here are presented in their original resolutions for comparison. the large round crater with two smaller ones along its edge, toward the bottom of both images, is Clavius. The smaller, circular crater to the north, with a prominent central peak, is Tycho.

Afocal photography is a “quick and dirty” method, but it’s also a lot of fun. One effect you might notice with this method is chromatic aberration, even if you are using a telescope that is an apo-chromat or a reflector that is not itself subject to this problem. It may show up, even on focused images, as colour ghost images or fringes.

As I noted at the beginning, this process is particularly well-suited for public astronomy nights. Nearly everyone (well, lots of people, anyway) has a cell phone or pocket camera with them these days.  If you are inviting the public to try looking through a telescope at something bright like the moon, ask them if they’d like to try to make their own souvenir of the event, too – their own photo of the moon, on their own camera. A few of our guests in Grimsby took away their own photos through my telescope, and they were pretty excited. I’m sure these were sent to a bunch of their fiends by SMS before too many more minutes had passed.

Copyright © 2013 David Allan Galbraith

Stitching A Lunar Panorama

Astrophotography today is becoming more and more about taking a series of individual images and assembling them into something else. This can be done in two sorts of ways. Very often, astophotographers will take repeated shots of the same area of the sky, and then use software to “stack” them, which has the effect of greatly reducing noise in the final image. As many of the objects in space are extremely faint, long, noise-free images are necessary to find them at all.

It’s also possible to make images of large areas of the sky by taking individual photos and joining them together, or stitching them. This can be a very effective way of using small cameras to produce large, high-resolution images. Despite the trend in some circles of seeking ever-bigger sensors dSLR cameras, stitching means that small cameras – like a web cam – can be used to great effect.

On the night of 16 August 2013 I was doing some observing and photograph form my west-facing balcony in Hamilton, and decided to try to make a large portrait of the moon using a small camera. I tried imaging the moon with several different cameras that night. My telescope was my Meade 125 Terabeam Maksutov Cassegrain catadioptric telescope mounted on an EQ6Pro mount with Synscan. Because of my balcony’s situation, it’s impossible to do an actual polar alignment; I can’t see Polaris. I can get to within a degree or so, which is good enough for taking a few images of bright objects like the moon.

The moon was lovely that night. After a few minutes of general moongazing, I mounted a Nikon D800 body on the telescope at prime focus, and was able to capture images of the whole moon’s face in one shot.


A photo of the moon taken on the evening of 16 August 2013 from an apartment balcony in Hamilton, Ontario, using a Nikon D800 camera on a 125mm Maksutov Cassegrain catadipotric telescope.

I then changed the camera, replacing the big dSLR with a little imager sold specifically for lunar and planetary imaging, a Celestron NexImage 5. This little camera looks like a miniature hockey puck about 2″ across. Inside is a 5 megapixel colour image sensor, which attaches to a computer via a USB cable. In contrast to the very expensive Nikon camera, the NexImage 5 retails for under $200. Because the pixels are quite small compared to the dSLR, it is able to record images of much higher resolution on subjects like the moon, for a given magnification. It is able to do a variety of things, including recording AVI video files that can be used in the stacking process.

Lunar tile

One image captured by the NexImage 5 camera, including the famous craters Tycho and Clavius.

I decided to try making an image of the moon using single exposures with the NexImage 5. I set up the telescope to point at an area along the terminator of the moon, took a single image with the camera, and then manually moved the telescope so that it was pointing to an area that overlapped the first image by about 30 percent. In this fashion I worked my way across the entire surface of the moon, taking 41 individual images.

Having the pictures recorded was just the first step. The camera software had recorded the pictures as bitmap files (*.bmp), and so I used a free image processing software to convert them from bitmap to JPG files. I then used another free software package called Autostitch (downloaded free for personal use at: to automatically bring all of the JPGs together, align them, and blend them together. I ran the program first on about a dozen overlapping tiles to see if it would work at all: Autostitch is designed for landscape photos – not moonscapes!

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A section of the lunar panorama made by using Autostitch to put together a dozen individual tiles.

Autostitch performed better than I could have hoped on my lunar frames! I re-ran the program using the whole set of 41 tiles, and in moments had my portrait of the moon in high resolution.


The moon, stitched together from 41 individual frames using Autostitch.

The final stage in assembling the image was to fill in the grey areas that were not actually captured by the imager.  I used another free software package, Paint.NET (not as capable as Photoshop but a whole lot less expensive!) to adjust contrast and brightness a bit, and paint in the grey areas with black. The results would be even better if each of the tiles had been prepared by the stacking process, which can result in dramatic improvements in such images. For now, I’m happy with yet another photo of the moon!


The final composite image of the moon, captured on 16 August 2013.

Copyright © 2013 David Allan Galbraith